• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Integrated Application Technology of Smart Construction Site Based on BIM+5G Environment

  • 摘要: “BIM+5G数字化管理”是指通过建立BIM的项目数字管控平台和5G数据抓取AI分析平台,并充分利用5G大带宽、低时延、广连接、移动性等特性,以BIM技术和AI人工智能技术为核心,结合物联网、云计算、大数据等新一代信息技术,改变传统施工现场管理的交互方式、工作方式和管理模式,完善智慧工地、突破固定模式,将人工智能引入项目管理,实现对“人机料法环测”的全方位可视化智能管理。本文以深圳悦彩城(北地块)项目为载体,详细介绍了BIM+5G数字化管理体系及其应用,为同类项目BIM+5G智慧工地建设提供方向。


    Abstract: BIM+5G digital management proposed in the paper refers to the establishment of BIM project digital control platform and 5G data capture AI analysis platform by taking full advantage of 5G's large bandwidth, low latency, wide connection, mobility and other characteristics. Taking BIM technology and AI artificial intelligence technology as the core technology, this paper combines the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data and other new generation information technology to change the traditional construction site management interaction, working mode and management mode, improve the smart construction site and break through the fixed mode. Through Introducing artificial intelligence into project management to realize all-round visual and intelligent management of human-machine material method environmental testing. Conducting research on Shenzhen Yuecai City (North Plot) project, this paper introduces the BIM+5G digital management system and its application in details, which provides direction for the construction of BIM+5G smart construction sites for similar projects.


