• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on the Application of BIM + Unreal Engine Technology in the Visual Interactive Design of Landscape Engineering

  • 摘要: 为了解决园林景观工程中BIM技术在多专业集成难度大、三维模型可视化效果差、景观设计效率低以及场景交互体验感差等应用难题,本文采用BIM+虚幻引擎技术,以深圳市安托山自然艺术公园为例,开展设计阶段在可视化交互的应用研究。运用虚幻引擎导入体积和表面积算法,实现三维土方算量可视化交互问题的求解。采用Dynamo+ArcGIS技术获取苗木名称、定位等基本信息,并通过虚幻引擎中的脚本编辑器实现景观信息模型批量创建,集成各专业模型和数据;通过添加视域分析和碰撞检测等可交互蓝图模块,完成景观与常规专业模型的碰撞检测结果的输出和景观敏感点位置的确定。研究表明:通过BIM与虚幻引擎结合技术,改善了场景可视化交互体验,除了能进一步提升景观模型的设计效率和质量,还能起到深化设计的作用,为园林景观项目设计应用提供精细化的指导作用。


    Abstract: In order to solve the problems of applying BIM in landscape engineering, such as hard to integrate multi-disciplinary models, poor visualization of 3D models, low efficiency of landscape greening design, and poor sense of scene interaction experience, this paper uses BIM and Unreal Engine technology to conduct research on visual interactive design, taking Antuo Mountain Nature Art Park in Shenzhen as an example. The volume and surface area algorithms are imported to Unreal Engine to calculate 3D earthwork through operating on visual interactive interface. Moreover, Dynamo+ArcGIS technology is applied to obtain basic information such as nursery stock names and locations, and landscape information models are created in batches through the script editor in Unreal Engine. With the integration of various multi-disciplinary models and data, this paper explores the collision detection among landscape model and other models and further determines the locations of landscape sensitive points by adding interactive blueprint modules such as viewshed analysis and collision detection modules. The results shows that the interactive experience of scene visualization is improved through the combination of BIM and Unreal Engine technology, and the design efficiency and quality of landscape models are greatly enhanced.


