• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


The Application of Digital Twin Technology in Asset Management of Shanghai Rail Transit Stations

  • 摘要: 轨道交通作为城市重要基础设施,其数字化发展在我国城市治理工作中推动诸多领域变革。本文结合轨道交通资产的种类多、分布广、周期长等特征,剖析当前上海轨道交通资产数据管理现状和可视化功能不足以及固资数据不匹配等情况,明确资产管理数字孪生需求和应用。提出以BIM模型为基础,从数据层、应用层、平台层和展示层四个层面对资产管理数字孪生应用的总体思路,并应用于固资移动盘点、可视化盘点等业务。结合GIS系统探索轨道交通房地资源管理,加强房屋台账动态管理、房屋土地信息可视化查看,实现了GIS数据和BIM数据全面整合,提升资产数字化管理水平,进一步提高交通轨道建设的质量与水平,助力智慧城市轨道交通建设。


    Abstract: Rail transit is an important urban infrastructure, and its digital development is driving changes in many fields in China's urban governance work. Taking into account the characteristics of rail transit assets, e.g. multiple types, wide distribution, and long management cycles, etc., this article analyzes the current situation of Shanghai rail transit asset data management, including insufficient visualization functions and mismatched fixed asset data, and clarifies the digital twin requirements and applications for asset management. Based on the BIM model, the general idea of the digital twin application of asset management from the data layer, application layer, platform layer, and display layer, is proposed, which is applied to fixed asset mobile inventory, visual inventory and other businesses. Moreover, the paper further explores the management of rail transit real estate resources and strengthens the dynamic management of housing inventories and the information visualization of housing and land information by using a GIS system, finally, a comprehensive integration of GIS data and BIM data is realized, therefore the rail transit asset digitization management is greatly improved.


