• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Exploration and Research on Residential layout Design Based on AI+BIM Technology

  • 摘要: 本文将人工智能领域中的AIGC(人工智能生成内容)工具与BIM技术相结合,探索研究AI+BIM技术在住宅项目户型方案设计中的应用,阐述两种技术相结合在户型方案设计中的应用实践。实践表明,AI技术能够为设计师提供创作思路,发散创作灵感,同时有效提升户型方案设计效率,缩短设计周期,以便设计师将重点放在设计创作本身。相较于传统设计方法,AI在创作的速度和创意性上有显著优势,且与BIM技术的结合能够有效帮助设计师提升后续工作的效率。本文阐述的AI+BIM技术结合应用能够为后续住宅户型设计提供参考借鉴,为建筑设计工作流智能化、信息化提供新思路。


    Abstract: This paper explores the applies AI+BIM technologies in the residential layout design. The research has shown that AI technology can provide creative ideas and divergent thinking for designers, while effectively improving the efficiency of residential layout design and shortening the design cycle, allowing designers to focus on the creative aspect of design. Compared to traditional design methods, AI has significant advantages in terms of design speed and creativity, and its integration with BIM technology can effectively help designers improve the efficiency of their subsequent work. The combined application of AI+BIM technology described in this paper can provide reference for subsequent residential layout designs and provide new ideas for Intelligentization and informationization of residential design workflows.


