The twisted anomalous track in the National Sliding Center is of extremely high construction quality for its track surface smoothness. BIM technology was used to study the key contents including reverse terrain modeling, parametric modeling of space shaped track, further application of track model, and surface forming inspection inside the track, which can provide reference for the construction and inspection of the similar projects later. Firstly, the earthwork excavation and filling engineering amount was calculated by integrating the original landform model and the designed terrain model for analysis, which was beneficial to reduce earthwork excavation. Secondly, Rhino software was used to pick up the key data and correct the deviation, then parametric models of the fixture, steel bar, and surface of the track were created and optimized to solve the problem of track fixture installation positioning and internal surface flatness control. Finally, the three-dimensional laser scanning technology was used to dynamically control the track surface smoothness, which effectively guaranteed the construction quality of the project.