• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Organizational Dynamics Analysis of CIM Platform Construction Based on Public Tender Announcements Data

  • 摘要: 本研究通过对广泛的文献综述进行研究分析和采用基于CIM平台网络公开招标公告数据的信息分析方法,深入探讨各组织在CIM平台建设中的角色、关注点和协同作用,使用聚类、词频分析等方法,阐释了政府部门在CIM平台建设中的主导作用,以及各组织之间的协同合作机制;同时强调了政府主导并整合产学研资源,共同推动CIM平台建设。研究结果显示,政府内部高效协同和政府对企业以及教育与研究组织的引导与监督关系对于CIM平台建设至关重要;产学研合作也在创新推动中起到了积极作用。本研究提供了对CIM平台建设组织态势的一些洞察,为实际项目提供可行性指导,有助于政府更好地推动CIM平台建设。


    Abstract: Through an extensive literature review and research analysis based on the information extraction method from public tender announcement data on the CIM platform network, this study delves into the roles, focal points, and collaborative interactions of various organizations in CIM platform construction. By using methods such as clustering and word frequency analysis, this paper reveals the leading role of government departments in CIM platform construction, as well as the collaborative mechanisms among organizations. The government takes the lead in integrating resources from industry, academia, and research to collectively promote the construction of the CIM platform. The research findings indicate that efficient collaboration within the government and its guidance and supervision of the relationships between enterprises and educational and research organizations are crucial for CIM platform construction. Additionally, the study emphasizes the positive role of industry-academia-research cooperation in driving innovation. This research provides a profound understanding of the organizational dynamics of CIM platform construction, offering feasibility guidance for practical projects, empirical support for the expansion of organizational management theories, and assisting governments in better promoting the construction of city information models to facilitate urban digital transformation.


