• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


A Review of Research on Automated Extraction of MEP System Information and Automatic Generation of Control Programs Based on BIM

  • 摘要: 本文综述了BIM技术与IFC标准的发展历程,分析了BIM技术在促进建筑行业数字化转型中的重要作用,介绍了当前从BIM模型中自动提取机电系统信息的技术方法,总结了这些方法面临的主要问题和挑战,并且进一步分析了基于BIM模型提取机电系统信息自动生成控制程序的重要性和研究进展。基于现状指出,在楼宇自控领域的现有相关研究对BIM信息未能充分利用,建议进一步研发更高效的信息提取技术和自动控制程序生成技术和工具,以推动BIM技术在建筑全生命期中的深度应用,优化建筑设计施工与运维过程。


    Abstract: This paper reviews the development of BIM technology and IFC standards, analyzes the importance of BIM technology in promoting the digital transformation of the construction industry. In addition, this paper introduces the current technical methods for automatically extracting MEP system information from BIM models and summarizes the main problems and challenges faced by these methods. Furthermore, the importance and research progress of automatically generating control programs based on BIM are analyzed. Based on the current status, this paper points out that the existing relevant research in building automation control field has not fully utilized BIM information, and suggests further developing more efficient information extraction technologies, automatic control program generation technologies and tools, to promote the deep application of BIM technology in the entire life cycle of buildings, to optimize the design, construction, operation and maintenance processes.


