• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on Thematic Map Platform of Linear Traffic Engineering with BIM+GIS

  • 摘要: 针对长大线性轨道交通工程涉及文件及数据类型众多、版本错综复杂、BIM与GIS数据融合应用困难的问题,本文以GIS平台为基础,通过多源数据空间配准与融合、地理要素制图综合、在线地图服务创建及前端交互等技术手段,开发了一个BIM与GIS双向交互的工程专题地图平台——File Code Map。该平台集成了长大线性轨道交通工程的时空属性和工程属性,易于交互使用,可为轨道交通等长大线性交通工程项目提供宏观与微观相结合的综合管理视角,提高工程文件与模型的查询管理效率,在文档管理、施工计划管理以及进度管理等应用场景具有拓展应用的潜力。


    Abstract: To solve the problems of large linear metro engineering involving numerous types of documents and data, complicated versions, and difficult application of BIM (building information model) and GIS (geographic information system) data.Based on GIS platform, by means of spatial registration and fusion, cartographic synthesis, online creation of geographic services, an engineering thematic map platform of bidirectional interaction between BIM and GIS——File Code Map, is explored. This platform integrates the spatio-temporal attributes and engineering attributes of large linear metro engineering, and is easy to use interactively. It can provide a comprehensive management perspective of macro and micro combined for the large-scale linear traffic engineering projects, improving the query and management efficiency of engineering documents and models. It has the potential for further application in document management, construction plan management and progress management.


