• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Development and Application of a Lightweight BIM-based Platform for Calculating the Quantity of Keel Partitions

  • 摘要: 由于轻钢龙骨隔墙构造复杂,工程量计算一直面临较大挑战。传统的BIM软件在处理这类问题时,受限于数据量大、操作步骤繁琐和对计算机硬件的高要求,从而限制了BIM技术在轻钢龙骨隔墙成本管理领域的广泛应用。本文使用NIVIOBIM轻量化技术,搭建了轻钢龙骨隔墙展示与算量平台;利用JavaScript、HTML、CSS语言和MySQL数据库,实现隔墙按照构造形式的自动分类并统计工程量,同时开发了龙骨隔墙骨架模型的展示功能;并以某实际工程项目为例,将轻钢龙骨隔墙模型上传至平台,与手工计算的工程量进行了对比分析。结果表明,平台端龙骨骨架模型展示具备良好的交互性,所具备的算量功能准确可靠,为实现数智化管理提供了有效助力。


    Abstract: Calculating the engineering quantities for light steel stud partition walls has always presented a challenge due to their complex construction. Traditional Building Information Modeling (BIM) software tools are limited by large data volumes, cumbersome operational procedures, and high hardware requirements, hindering their widespread application in cost management for light steel keel partitions. This paper uses NIVIOBIM lightweight technology to build a display and calculation platform for light steel keel partition walls. Using JavaScript, HTML, CSS languages, and MySQL database, automatic classification of partition walls according to their construction forms and calculation of engineering quantities were achieved. At the same time, the display function of the skeleton model of the keel partition wall was developed. Finally, taking a practical engineering project as an example, the model of the light steel keel partition wall was uploaded to the platform and compared and analyzed with the manually calculated engineering quantity. The results demonstrate that the platform provides excellent interactivity for displaying the steel keel structure and offers accurate and reliable quantification capabilities, effectively supporting digital and intelligent management.


