• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on verification and innovation of bridge IFD coding in BIM environment

  • 摘要: 随着以BIM技术为核心的新一轮铁路工程建设信息化应用的逐渐深入,IFD编码作为构件的“身份证”的一种,其标准的验证、完善、创新的重要性日益凸显。本文以铁路BIM联盟标准为基础,经过实施层编码验证及创新研究,对IFD编码进行验证与补充,并结合Dynamo快速建模技术、属性批量赋予技术、模型轻量化技术以及平台信息采集共享技术,打破了原有孤立的项目信息和多业务系统的信息孤岛,实现了项目层施工阶段多系统的横向管理协同,并在南沿江铁路、京雄铁路、常益长铁路和天津轨道Z4线等项目进行验证,创造了较为可观的应用效益。


    Abstract: With the deepening of the new round of informatization application of railway engineering construction with BIM technology as the core, the importance of standard innovation research on IFD coding as a component is becoming increasingly prominent. This paper is based on the Railway BIM Alliance standard and has been validated and supplemented with IFD coding through implementation layer coding verification and innovative research. Combined with Dynamo's rapid modeling technology, attribute batch assignment technology, model lightweighting technology, and platform information collection and sharing technology, the original isolated project information and multi business system information islands have been broken, achieving horizontal management and collaboration of multiple systems during the construction phase at the project level. Finally, it was validated in projects such as the Nanjiang River Railway, Jingxiong Railway, Changyi Changsha Railway, and Tianjin Rail Transit Z4 Line, creating considerable application benefits.


