• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Study on Vertical Greening: The Impact of Different Facades on the Outdoor Thermal Environment in Residential Quarters

  • 摘要: 城市化发展导致室外热环境越来越恶劣,良好的小区室外热环境能够增强城市居民幸福感。为研究垂直绿化对小区室外热环境产生的影响,本文以株洲市某小区为例,采用ENVI-met软件对场地内室外热环境相关参数进行模拟,共设置5种不同垂直绿化立面,研究其对室外热环境的影响。结果显示:垂直绿化的布置位置与场地风向都会影响其对室外热环境的影响区域,沿着风向方向,垂直绿化的降温增湿效果会得到叠加。不同垂直绿化立面对室外热环境的影响效果大小为:东西南组合立面>南立面>东西组合立面>东立面>西立面。未来对小区进行垂直绿化墙面改造时,仅布置南立面垂直绿化,就能达到环境效益与建设成本之间的平衡。


    Abstract: With the development of urbanization, the outdoor thermal environment is getting worse and worse. A good outdoor thermal environment can enhance the well-being of urban residents. In order to study the impact of vertical greening on the outdoor thermal environment of residential areas, this paper takes a community in Zhuzhou City as an example, and uses ENVI-met software to simulate the relevant parameters of the outdoor thermal environment in the site. Five different vertical greening facades are set up to study their effects on the outdoor thermal environment. The results show that the layout position of vertical greening and the wind direction of the site will affect the area of influence on the outdoor thermal environment. The cooling and humidifying effects of vertical planting will be superimposed along the wind direction. The effect of different vertical greening facades on outdoor thermal environment is as follows: east-west-south composite facade > south facade > east-west composite facade > east facade > west facade. In the future, when renovating the vertical green walls of residential areas, only installing vertical greening on the south facade can achieve a balance between environmental benefits and construction costs.


