• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on Track Plate Damage Detection and Visualization

  • 摘要: 轨道板损伤种类众多,现阶段其检修依赖天窗期人工巡检,效率较为低下,且损伤信息未成体系。为提高轨道板养护维修效率,本文开发了CRTS Ⅰ型轨道板病害库系统。首先,病害库应用三维激光扫描技术,实现服役轨道板损伤点云信息采集;其次,采用目标检测等算法进行点云坐标配准及图像处理,实现轨道板局部损伤的精准定位识别;最后,应用Unity开发平台构建病害库系统,实现CRTS Ⅰ型轨道板损伤信息、扩展状态及维修方案的可视化展示。CRTS Ⅰ型轨道板病害库系统基于三维激光扫描技术和Unity平台创建,消除了轨道板检测费时费力弊端,提升了对轨道板损伤维修节点掌握程度,可对铁道工程领域轨道板智能化养护运维提供有效指导。


    Abstract: At present, the track slab with many kinds of damage makes its maintenance rely on manual inspection during the skylight period, which is inefficient and does not form a certain system to obtain damage information. In order to improve the efficiency of track slab maintenance and repair, a CRTSI track slab disease library system was developed and designed. Firstly, the three-dimensional laser scanning technology is used to obtain the disease database data, so as to realize the point cloud information collection of the service track plate damage. Secondly, the target detection algorithm is used to perform coordinate registration and image processing on the point cloud data, so as to realize the accurate positioning and identification of the local damage of the track plate. Finally, through the Unity development platform, the track plate disease library system is constructed to realize the visual display of CRTSI track plate damage information, expansion status and maintenance scheme. The CRTSI track slab disease library system is based on 3D laser scanning technology and Unity platform, which eliminates the time-consuming and laborious disadvantages of track slab detection, improves the mastery of track slab damage maintenance nodes, and provides effective guidance for intelligent maintenance and operation of track slab in railway engineering field.


