• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Key Technology Research and Application of Intelligent Bridge Hanging Basket Monitoring System

  • 摘要: 挂篮是桥梁悬臂施工中的一种大型设备,在项目中得到广泛使用。挂篮施工复杂,过程中易受到大风等自然因素及人为因素的干扰,从而引发事故。本文针对南沙至中山高速公路项目地处多台风地带挂篮安全施工及运维问题,运用智能传感器、物联网、大数据及BIM等技术,对项目桥梁主体结构施工挂篮设备安全问题,开发了连续刚构桥挂篮的智能监控系统,实现了对挂篮的智能监测和智能控制,保障了设备施工安全,提高了现场施工质量及效率。


    Abstract: Hanging basket is a large-scale equipment used in bridge cantilever construction and is widely used in projects. The construction of hanging baskets is complex and prone to interference from natural and human factors such as strong winds, which can lead to accidents during the process. This paper focuses on the safety construction and operation issues of hanging baskets in the multi typhoon zone of the Nansha Zhongshan Expressway project. paperTechnologies such as intelligent sensors, the Internet of Things, big data, and BIM is utilized to address the safety issues of hanging basket equipment in the construction of bridge main structures. A smart monitoring system for continuous rigid frame bridge hanging baskets is developed, achieving intelligent monitoring and control of hanging baskets, ensuring equipment construction safety, and improving on-site construction quality and efficiency.


