• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Method used by SATWE to Determine Dimensions of Column Rigid Joint Panel and Influences on Structure Stiffness

  • 摘要: 框架结构和其他结构形式中的框架部分都存在梁柱相交的重叠部分,当此重叠部分相对其跨度较大时,构件交点处会形成刚性节点区域,刚域尺寸的确定会在一定程度上影响结构整体分析结果。采用不同方法确定柱刚域范围对结构的分析结果和设计结果存在差异,尤其是对框架结构和以框架受力为主的部分框支剪力墙结构中的框支框架部分有较大的影响。本文结合现行结构设计规范阐述SATWE软件确定柱刚域范围方法和考虑梁柱刚域对于结构刚度的影响。


    Abstract: The overlap parts of beam-column in frame structures and other types of structures form beam-column rigid joint panels, if the overlap parts are large enough. The dimensions of rigid panel zone can influence the effects of integral structure analysis. It would lead to different results in structural analysis and design, especially in frame structures and partial frame-supported shear wall structures by using different methods to determine column rigid zones. Based on current structure design codes, this article illustrates the method that is used by SATWE to determine rigid panel zones and the effect on the stiffness of structures by beam-column rigid joint panels.


