• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research and Implement of Standardization and AutomationFramework of Construction Drawings

  • 摘要: 施工图标准化和自动化是实现BIM技术用于结构设计的关键。实用的结构施工图标准化和自动化绘图平台应支持主流有限元计算、绘图和预算软件, 以及各种版本的AutoCAD。本文阐述了研发该平台要解决自动化、个性化、平台化和联动化这四项关键技术。自动化要求出图速度快,图纸质量高;个性化要求功能设置适应不同单位图面表达上的差异要求;平台化是指开放的绘图平台要兼容各类常用绘图工具软件,并作为这些软件的运行平台;联动化就是修改一根构件,其它相关联图纸自动修改。最后,本文给出了设计单位建立结构施工图标准化和自动化绘图平台的流程。


    Abstract: The key factor of BIM implementation is the standardization and automation framework of construction drawing. For pragmatic reasons, the framework should not only support basic finite element analysis, drawing and estimation software but also different versions of AutoCAD. Technically speaking, automation, individuation, interaction and platform adaptability of the framework are the keys. Automation means high drawing speed and better drawing quality; individuation means the construction drawing framework is adaptable to different ways of drawing expression; platform adaptability means the framework is compatible for other drawing software; interaction means related drawings can modify themselves when a structure component is modified. In the end of the article, the process of implementation of standardization and automation framework is introduced.


