Evaluation and Applying Investigation of Geometry Modeler Kernel in BIM and Architecture CAD Software
摘要: 三维建模和造型是BIM及建筑CAD类软件核心的产品功能之一,本文对以往及当今市场最具影响力的BIM及建筑CAD类软件中使用的几何内核造型器进行了调查和研究,并通过对三种主要几何内核的评估、对比、测试及使用,得出关于BIM软件开发中几何内核选择及应用的规律及建议,能够在一定程度上指导未来BIM类软件的产品设计及开发工作。Abstract: 3D modeling is one of the most primary features of BIM and Architecture CAD software. In this paper, we made a deep investigation into geometry kernels and modelers which are being used by current most popular and influenced BIM and Architecture CAD software. By evaluating, testing, comparing and applying three kernels, we got the suggestion and rules of using them, which could be a guide of designing and developing BIM software in the future.