• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


An Information Management Method Based on BIM Component Digital-Analog Separation

  • 摘要: 随着建筑行业的数字化转型,BIM技术已成为该行业的重要发展方向。基于BIM的数模分离技术是一种将几何模型信息与非几何模型信息分离的技术,能够实现构件的轻量化加载,减少重复建模工作量,并实现跨模型的重复使用。本研究主要探讨了数模分离技术的实现方法及其应用场景,将几何模型和非几何模型分离为不同的数据文件或数据结构,从而实现对建筑模型的全面数字化描述。几何模型可用于建筑形态表达、结构分析和施工模拟等方面,而非几何模型则适用于属性信息管理、施工组织设计和工程量计算等方面。这种技术有效提高了数据管理的效率和精度,减少了数据冗余和不一致性,为建筑行业的数字化转型提供了有力支持。


    Abstract: As the construction industry undergoes digital transformation, BIM technology has emerged as a critical development direction. Within BIM technology, digital-analog separation is a technology that distinguishes geometric model information from non-geometric model information. This separation enables lightweight component loading, reduces repetitive modeling workload, and facilitates cross-model reuse, offering significant application value. This paper discusses the implementation methods and application scenarios of digital-analog separation technology. By dividing the geometric model and the non-geometric model into separate data files or structures, a comprehensive digital representation of the building model is achieved. Geometric models are utilized for architectural form representation, structural analysis, and construction simulation, whereas non-geometric models are employed for attribute information management, construction organization design, and quantity calculations. This method enhances data management efficiency and accuracy, minimizes data redundancy and inconsistencies, and provides robust support for the digital transformation of the construction industry.


