• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research and Development of OpenGL-based Construction Virtual Simulation Platform

  • 摘要: 本文针对当前商品化虚拟仿真软件的硬件配置要求过高、价格昂贵以及二次开发功能不足等局限性,在已有4D-GCPSU图形平台基础上,自主研究开发基于OpenGL的建筑施工虚拟仿真平台。通过对3D模型进行材质、纹理、光照等真实感处理,实现了真实感模型渲染。应用OpenGL的双缓存技术实现3D动态模拟和动画显示,并通过人机交互技术提供了虚拟场景的创建和控制功能。该平台经实际工程的应用测试,取得了较好的真实感模型渲染和3D动画显示效果,可支持基于4D技术的建筑施工虚拟仿真与动态管理,具有实际应用价值。


    Abstract: To overcome the shortcomings of commercial virtual simulation software including the need of high hardware configuration, expensive price and function shortage in secondary development, an OpenGL-based construction virtual simulation platform was studied and developed based on existed graphic engine of 4D-GCPSU. Its main features include reality rendering of 3D model by processing material, texture, lighting etc. 3D dynamic simulation and animation display with double buffer technique, creating and controlling of virtual scene with human-computer interaction technology. The platform has been applied and tested in practice engineering projects and can produce high quality 3D realistics model and 3D animations. It can be adopted in the development of 4D virtual construction and dynamic management systems. Therefore, the platform is of practical application value.


