The Plane Method of Structural Construction Design Drawing with BIM
摘要: 本文就目前国内通用的结构施工图平面表示法(简称“平法”)与BIM技术理念能否相容的问题进行了初步探讨,对在BIM中引入平法的可能性作了分析,比较了结构施工图采用抽象的平法表达与采用虚拟仿真技术的实体详图表达的优缺点。采用在平法之抽象符号或注释块中添加参数变量的技术手段,将平法注释符号与BIM基础模型信息建立起内在的联系,创建出高度智能的注释符号族,应用于实际的BIM项目中,实现了全部的结构施工图依旧采用平法表达,用案例说明了平法在BIM技术中能够继续发挥作用。Abstract: In this paper the possibility of using the CD drawing Plane Method in BIM technology is generally discussed. The merits and demerits of CD drawings by detailing and by Plan Method are compared. Based on a real BIM technology project case in which all the CD drawings are finished by Pland Method, it is confirmed that the Plane Method concept can continuously be used in BIM technology.