Enterprise Application Implementation Steps of BIM(2)—CSWADI BIM Application Implementation Case Study
摘要: 本文为系列文章《企业级BIM应用实施步骤》连载二, 主要介绍柏慕中国在中建西南设计院天府国际金融中心11号楼项目上的BIM实施步骤和工作流程以及在项目执行过程中的遇到问题和解决方法, 为设计项目实施BIM应用提供参考, 实现设计企业BIM应用的可持续发展。Abstract: This is the series of the articles《Enterprise Application implementation steps of BIM》, will combine the one of BIMChina consulting case—TianFu International Finance Centre of CSWADI 11# BIM Application Implementation.It expressed the implementation of enterprise-class application steps and BIM implementation issues that need attention and achieved the sustainable development of BIM enterprise applications.