• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


The Application of CCD in Structure Parametric Designs

  • 摘要: 变量化技术是参数化设计的一种新的方法,特别适合由规则的点、直线和圆弧构成的,具有一定规律性的构筑物,这类构筑物最适合采用参数化设计修改,而且效率很高。文章主要对CCD软件中的变量化设计功能——VDS进行了介绍。VDS提供了定义变量化的参数来约束图形中的各元素的相互关系,以实现尺寸驱动、不同视角的图形联动的绘图模式。文中以给排水构筑物中的生物反应池的变量化设计为例,对CCD软件的使用进行了探索。


    Abstract: A new approach of parametric design was named Variational design, which has high efficiency in structure design modifications consisting of simple elements such as points, straight lines and arcs. The article mainly introduced VDS modules in CCD. VDS provides the ability to assign parametric constraints to geometric ele-ments. By defining the parameters and calculating equation and constraints, the drawings in different views can be co-variation with dimensions changing. There was also a case of the bio-reaction tank design with VDS to illustrate the function of Variational design and CCD in details.


