• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Introduction of American Universities BIM Standards

  • 摘要: BIM作为是一种新兴的技术,可以帮助建筑师和承包商更好地设计和建造。美国大学设施管理部门2008年来开始探索在在自己的校园建设上使用BIM,并建立大学自己BIM标准。本文简要介绍了4所美国高校(洛杉矶社区大学区、印第安那大学、普林斯顿大学以及麻省理工)的BIM标准。这些标准或者指南,大体上分为BIM目标、要求、实施的流程以及成果交付的要求等几部分,大多都建立了自己开发的文件分享的软硬件平台。本文旨在借鉴美国高校实施BIM的成功经验,为我国的高校基建部门以及建筑行业实施BIM标准作一些的有益参考。


    Abstract: As an emerging technology, BIM can help architects and contractors to better design and construction. In 2008, American University Facilities Management Department began to explore their own campus in the use of BIM, and the established their own BIM standards. This paper introduces the four U.S. universities (Los Angeles Community College District, Indiana University, Princeton University, and MIT) of BIM standards. These standards or guidelines, generally divided into BIM goals, requirements, implementation of processes and deliverables of the requirements of several parts, and most of them have established their own file-sharing software and hardware development platform. This paper aims to draw on the success of American universities implementing BIM experience for our university infrastructure sector and the construction industry standard for implementing BIM some useful reference.


