Discuss about the Relationship Between Building Components and Attached Layers in BIM Software
摘要: 当前主流的BIM软件对于建筑构件的饰面层及填充层一般通过复合材质来处理,这种方式在实际应用中有许多方面的问题。本文具体分析了其在模型完整度、精细化建模、多专业协同设计、图面表达等方面的问题,并提出一个解决方案的设想:将附着层与构件主体拆分开,作为单独的一类构件来考虑,从而解决上述问题。Abstract: Currently, the relationship between building components and their attached layers is generally combined to composite materials in mainstream BIM software. Such an approach leads to many problems in practice. The article describes the problems in aspects of model integrity, detailed modeling, multidiscipline Coordination, drawing expression, etc. The author proposes a solution to solve the problem by detach the attached layer from its domain component to be a separate component class.