• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on the Pricing System in the Real Estate Development Process

  • 摘要: 鉴于当前房地产定价问题研究的分散性以及房地产企业对定价问题认识的片面性,文章从房地产整体开发流程的角度出发,将房地产开发流程中的定价阶段划分为项目论证、项目定位、项目评审、开盘、持续销售和尾盘清理等不同的阶段,并形成了由模拟定价、开盘价、续销期价格和尾盘清理价等构成的房地产价格体系。同时,文章根据房地产开发流程中各定价阶段定价目的的不同以及各种定价方法的适用性,研究确定了房地产开发流程中定价方法的选择和具体的定价流程。


    Abstract: Considering the current separated researches and the unilateral cognition of real estate enterprises on real estate pricing, the paper principally studies the pricing system of real estate on the basis of the whole real estate development process. It divides the pricing stages into different stages in the real estate development process, such as the stage of project demonstration, project location, project appraisement, open quotation, continued sales, post-sales and so on. Simultaneously, it forms the price system of real estate, which composes of the simulated pricing, the opening-quotation price, the continued-sales-stage price and the post-sales price. At the same time, according to the various intents in every stage and the relevant applicability of different methods of pricing, the paper indicates how to choose the right methods and introduces the particular process of pricing in the real estate development process.


