• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Realization of Calculayiom and Draaing Integration

  • 摘要: 建筑结构施工图绘制中修改的频繁性、复杂性和紧迫性给设计人员带来很大的压力,同时,类同工程项目施工详图表达的高度近似和开放性为设计人员绘图的高效率提供了可能性,即对参照图元信息的快捷合理性修改。本文提出了一种快速校核混凝土抗震墙构件配筋率的新方法,采用AutoLISP语言编制的配筋校核程序完全依托于计算机对AutoCAD图形中的数据和实体信息的原位识别,免去其他数据输入,仅鼠标选择即可完成抗震墙约束边缘构件的配筋校核,与其他应用程序相比,具有复制性好、适应性强,方便、快捷等特点,具有一定的实用价值。


    Abstract: The frequent modification, complexity and time limited on the course of construction drawings for building structure give the design staff a lot of pressure. At the same time, the highly approximate expression of detail and openness provides the feasibility of high efficiency to design staff, which makes the modification to reference map information reasonably and quickly. A new method was proposed and illustrated to check reinforcement ratio for restrain boundary part of concrete wall automatically and quickly, using program developed by AutoLISP language on the basis of in-situ graphic information identification under surrounding of AutoCAD entirely. Compared with other software, the method's advantages is good replication, strong adaptability, convenient, fast and so on, and it has a certain practical value.


