A Simulation System of Pedestrian in MTR hub Development
摘要: 本文介绍了自主研发的城市轨道交通枢纽仿真原型系统的算法和主要功能。利用仿真系统对复兴门枢纽进行了仿真,通过对比仿真结果与实际调查数据,对仿真系统的实用性和准确性进行了验证。同时,分析研究了仿真过程中的主要误差来源。Abstract: This paper introduces the algorithm and main function of the self-researched prototype simulation system of pedestrian in MTR hub. Then Fuxingmen hub based on such simulation system is simulated. By comparing the simulation results and the practical survey data, the practicality and accuracy of such simulation system is verified. Finally, the main error sources in the simulations are studied.