• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


From "Throwing off Drawing Board" to BIM-the Significants of the Design Institutes

  • 摘要: BIM作为一种新的理念和技术,已被誉为自“甩图板”工程后的第二次设计革命。然而BIM技术在设计院的普遍推广应用还缺乏足够的推动力。本文回顾了设计院在我国“甩图板”工程中的重要作用和出色表现;分析了BIM对设计院今后在建筑市场中进一步提高竞争能力的意义;阐述了设计院在BIM推广应用中的主角地位和引领作用;展示了走在BIM应用前列的设计院的出色表现;说明了设计院仍将在BIM浪潮中发挥重要作用。本文还根据设计院推广应用BIM技术中遇到的难点问题,提出了政府主管部门、行业专家、设计院全体员工以及BIM软件企业共同努力,为设计院推广应用BIM技术助力的建议。


    Abstract: As a new idea and technology, BIM has been looked as the second design revelation. While the pushing to apply BIM in the design institutes is required. This paper looked back the important actions of the Chinese design institutes in the "Throwing off Drawing Board" project, analysed the significance of BIM to raise the competition in the building markets for the design institutes, expounded the leading role and function of the design institutes in the BIM applications, displayed the excellent performance of the design institutes who are walking in the forefront. The above key points indicate that the Chinese design institutes will still play an important role in the BIM wave. Based on the analysis of the problems in the BIM application in the Chinese design institutes, this paper give some suggestions on how can governments, professional experts, designers and software developers can push forward the BIM applications.


