• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Application of Finite Element Method in Analysis of Ice-shedding on High-voltage Power Transmission Line

  • 摘要: 输电线的脱冰将对相邻塔产生纵向不平衡张力,严重威胁线路的安全运行。提出输电线路和覆冰脱冰的有限元模拟方法,建立某9档输电线路的有限元模型,模拟输电线在15mm冰厚情况的脱冰情况,获得导线和地线脱冰产生的动力响应。本文算例发现,覆冰脱落使得脱冰的输电线产生大幅跳跃,并对相邻输电塔产生极大的冲击作用,同时地线整档脱冰将产生比导线整档脱冰更大的纵向不平衡张力。


    Abstract: Ice shedding on transmission lines will result in the longitudinal unbalanced forces on the adjacent transmission towers, which significantly threatens the safety of transmission lines.The methodologies to simulate the transmission line system, ice-accretion, and ice-shedding are developed using finite element method.The finite element model of a nine-span transmission line is built and ice-shedding on transmission line with 15 mm ice thickness is simulated.Then the responses of the transmission line system due to ice-shedding from the conductor and ground wire are obtained.Results from this study show that ice-shedding causes large-amplitude jump of the transmission line and significant impact on the adjacent transmission towers.Meanwhile, the longitudinal unbalanced fo rces induced by simultaneous ice-shedding from the ground wire are greater than those from the conductor.


