• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Building Information Modeling in the Construction Industry:Diffusion Characteristics and Application Strategies

  • 摘要: 从全球范围来看,BIM已被广泛视为集成建设项目生产流程进而解决建筑业绩效问题的重要手段,但其应用价值的发挥仍面临技术、流程、组织、文化等多方面障碍。论文结合国内外BIM应用实践及我国2D CAD技术的应用历程,分析了BIM在建筑业内的扩散特征,并初步分析了我国建筑业企业的BIM应用策略。面对建设项目设计施工过程中的信息割裂问题以及行业信息技术的迅速发展,建筑业企业需要平衡好成本领先战略和差异化竞争战略的实施,摆脱BIM应用过程中的“无意识性”特征,注重制定科学的多阶段BIM应用目标、系统规划BIM应用方案、并有效集成企业商业流程及项目实施流程,以更好地发挥BIM的应用价值。


    Abstract: Building information modeling (BIM) has been regarded worldwide as an effective tool to integrate design and construction processes and thus to address the performance problems in the construction industry, but the realization of its value still faces a variety of technical, process-related, organizational and cultural barriers. Based on the discussions on BIM application practices worldwide and the diffusion process of the Two-Dimensional Computer-Aided Design (2D CAD) technology in the Chinese construction industry, this paper analyzes the diffusion characteristics of BIM in the construction industry, and proposes some BIM application strategies for design and construction enterprises in China. In order to better realize the potential benefits of BIM, design and construction enterprises need to balance the implementations of the cost advantage strategy and the differentiation strategy, and to forgo the "mindlessness" during the BIM adoption and implementation process. Design and construction enterprises are also suggested to establish multi-stage BIM application aims, to plan systemic BIM application solutions, and to effectively integrate enterprise business processes and project processes.


