• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


BIM Position in AEC Industry, Its Measurement System and Possible Uses

  • 摘要: BIM作为建筑业信息化下一阶段发展的支撑技术已经没有太多悬念,与CAD比较,由于BIM不仅改变了项目建设和运营的手段,而且还同时改变了项目建设和运营的内容,因此,对BIM的认识理解和应用实施都要比CAD来得困难和复杂,毋庸置疑,其对建筑业的影响深度和广度也远较CAD为甚。本文通过BIM在建筑业所处的位置、如何评价BIM项目的程度和水平以及BIM在建筑业可能的应用三个方面试图对“什么是BIM”这个问题提供作者的答案。


    Abstract: There is almost no doubt that BIM will become the key technology of AEC (Architecture, Engineer?ing and Construction) industry for next stage.In comparison with CAD, BIM1 is transforming both tools and contents of facility building and operation.Accordingly it's more difficult and complex to understand and implement BIM than CAD.On the other handBIM is expectedto have broader anddeeper impact on the industry.Here the author is trying to provide an answer on the question of " What is BIM" from three aspects: the position of BIM in AEC, howto measure a BIM project and the potential uses of BIM.


