What is BIM in the End?
摘要: 要回答“BIM是什么”这个问题既容易也不容易,容易回答的是BIM的定义,不容易回答的是BIM对工程建设行业及其从业人员的影响和价值,作者在相隔一年左右的时间内写了两篇同样标题的文章(这里以上下两篇作为区分),以自己的认识探索对后者的理解。其中上篇在作者博客上发布一年来,已经被超过二十个网站转载。Abstract: To answer the question of "what is BIM" is both easy and difficult. The "easy" is because BIM having quite clear definition, but it is difficult to describe the impact and value of BIM on AEC industry and its practitioners. Here the author gives his own understanding.