Research on Standard-setting Approach of BIM Information Exchange Process
摘要: BIM信息交换流程标准是BIM标准中重要的一部分,作者参考美国国家BIM标准“NBIMS-US v2”中信息交换流程的标准制定方法,以buildingSMART联盟提出的IDM (Information Delivery Manual)为基础,对我国BIM信息交换流程标准制定方法进行了研究,并以国内设计到工程量计算的流程为案例介绍了具体的BIM信息交换流程标准的制定方法。Abstract: Process standard of BIM information exchange is one important part of BIM standard. In this article, the author referred to the standard-setting approach of information exchange process in National BIM Standard of US-"NBIMS-US v2", based on IDM (Information Delivery Manual) from buildingSMART, did the research of process standard setting approach for domestic BIM information exchange, and introduced a specific setting approach based on the case of design to quantity take-off.