• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Numerical Simulation Researches on the Wind loads and Wind Environment of Building Structures and Their Applications

  • 摘要: 本文首先对建筑结构风工程数值模拟方法的特点做了简明介绍; 接着提炼了风工程数值模拟研究的几个基础问题包括湍流模型与数值参数影响、平衡边界层的数值模拟、复杂建筑结构的数值风洞建模等, 介绍了这方面的最新研究进展和成果; 然后, 结合建筑工程实践, 概述了风工程教值模拟方法在解决复杂建筑结构风荷栽与风环境等问题中研究和应用成果; 最后, 对风工程数值模拟研究做了展望。其中许多成果为作者在研究和实践中的提炼和总结。对从事建筑结构风工程数值模拟研究具有一定参考价值。


    Abstract: The virtues of the numerical simulation technologies of wind engineering were introduced firstly. Secondly, the state of art and the latest research results of several basic topics of the computational wind engineering, including the influences of the turbulence models and the numerical parameters, the numerical simulation of the equilibrium atmospheric boundary layers as well as the appropriate computation model constructions for complex building structures, were introduced respectively.Then, the research results and their applications of the numerical simulation techniques on solving the problems of wind loads and wind environment were exhibited combing with relevant practices.At last, some expectations on the computational wind engineering and its applications were given. Some of the results introduced in the paper were the latest theoretical and practical summarizations by the authors, therefore, it would be referential to the numerical simulation researches of wind engineering on building structures.


