• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


The Improved Transfer Matrix Method of Partially Covered Constrained Layer Damping Shell

  • 摘要: 对局部覆盖约束阻尼圆柱壳的传递矩阵法进行改进,将状态向量和边界条件向量分开选择,再引入一个关联矩阵将他们连接起来,大大简化了状态向量一阶导数的求解,进而简化了传递矩阵的求解。将约束层和阻尼层引入到未覆盖段,令其为常数,将约束段的边界条件进一步传递到未覆盖段,可以方便的求局部覆盖约束阻尼圆柱壳的总传递矩阵。在覆盖阻尼材料较为分散时也可很快求出传递矩阵,进而分析其振动特性。


    Abstract: The transfer matrix method in structural vibration analysis is improved. The state vector and boundary condition vector are separated, and they are linked together by an association matrix. The computation of state vector's first derivative is simplified, and the transfer matrix can be obtained easily. The parameters of constrained layer and damping layer are introduced to uncovered section and considered as constants, so the covered section and uncovered section can obtain the same dimension transfer matrix. The structural transfer matrix can be obtained by multiply every section's transfer matrix easily even if the number of the uncovered section is much.


