• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Data Flowing from Design to Construction Through BIM5D Platform

  • 摘要: BIM5D平台是件以BIM集成平台为核心,通过三维模型数据接口集成建筑、结构、机电等多个专业模型,并以BIM集成模型为载体,将施工过程中的进度、成本、质量、安全、工艺、图纸、材料、劳动力等信息集成到同一平台,利用BIM模型的形象直观、可计算分析的特性,为施工过程中的进度管理、现场协调、成本管理、材料管理等关键过程及时提供准确的构件几何位置、工程量、资源量、计划时间等,帮助管理人员进行有效决策和精细管理,减少施工变更,缩短项目工期、控制项目成本、提升质量。


    Abstract: BIM integrated platform as its core, BIM5D platform integrates multiple professional models such as building, structure and electromechanical; and BIM integrated model as its carrier, it integrates information of the construction process to the same platform including progress, cost, quality, security, process, drawing, material and labor. BIM model is audio-visual and can be calculated and analyzed, which can provide timely and accurate geometry, engineering, resources and planning time for the construction process, and thus it helps managers make effective decisions and management, reduce construction change, shorten project duration, control project costs and improve quality.


