• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Study on Forces of Supporting Structures of the Soil Nailing Wall and Pile Anchor Combined Supporting System in Deep Foundation Pit

  • 摘要: 本文通过数值计算得出土钉和锚杆所受内力呈“枣核”状或抛物线状分布,每排土钉轴力最大值自上往下逐渐向面层方向偏移。随着开挖深度的增加,受拉土钉的轴向拉力增大,而对于锚杆开始在自由段施加预应力,随着开挖深度的增加其轴力也在不断的增大,在土钉(锚杆)的末端轴力几乎为零,开挖过程中桩的轴力和剪力都在逐渐增大,桩身的最大剪力逐渐向下移动,上半部分桩的弯矩由小逐渐变大,而在下半部分,基坑底向下1m的范围内,弯矩值逐渐减小的支护结构的内力分布规律。


    Abstract: Through the numerical calculation, this paper shows that soil nail and anchor rod internal force are "coefficient" shaped or parabola, and the maximum force of each row of soil nailing gradually shift towards the direction of the surface layer. With the increase of the depth of the excavation, soil nailing axial tension increases, and for the beginning of prestressed anchor free segment, along with the increase of the depth of the excavation, its axial force increases.The force of the end of the soil nail (anchor) is almost zero. Axial force and shear during excavation piles are gradually increased. The maximum shear pile move downward; the upper half part of the bending moment of pile is gradually increased. In the second half, under the range of 1m of the foundation pit, the moment value decreases the supporting structure of the internal force distribution.


