Research on Parametric Modeling Technique for Special-shaped Surface based on Rhino and Grasshopper
摘要: 针对异形曲面结构建模的复杂性,采用参数化建模技术,以Rhino+Grasshopper为平台,对异形曲面结构参数化建模作相应研究,提出了一种可实现异形曲面结构参数化建模的方法。详细介绍了该参数化建模方法和具体步骤,结合三个实例对该建模方法的可行性进行了验证。Abstract: The parametric modeling of special-shaped surface is complicated, and to solve this problem, this paper studies the parametric modeling of special-shaped surface based on Rhino and Grasshopper surface. A method to achieve the parametric modeling on special-shaped surface is proposed. The method and steps about how to build parametric models are elaborated in details. Finally, three cases are used to test the feasibility of this modeling method.