Plan Cross-line Rule and Graphics Applications of Combination Roof
摘要: 坡屋顶越来越受到重视,在住宅中的应用则更加广泛。在坡屋顶建筑方案的草图设计阶段,当作出建筑平面图后,需要较快速、准确地画出坡屋顶交线,以便推敲屋顶造型。如若按一般投影作图求解,不仅需要有多个图形配合,占去大量多余的纸面,且作图过程繁琐,图线多,不清晰,修改亦不方便,尤其对于组合屋面,更显复杂,费时费力。为此,在单体等坡屋面交线的基础上,本文力图总结出一套等坡组合屋面交线的形成规律。掌握了这些规律,不仅能方便、快捷地作图,且有助于提高空间想象和坡屋面造型设计能力。此外,也可以用来作“机绘”等坡屋面交线的校对。Abstract: Pitched roof played more and more important role in residential.In the sketch design stage of the construction program, it is necessary to draw intersecting lines quickly and accurately.The general projection mapping solution needs multiple graphics which is very inconvenient.Therefore, this article attempts to summarize a rule for pitched roof, in order to improve the design and proof capability.