BIM Aided Project Fining Management Application of BIM Technology in Construction Stage of Project Jiuzhou Garden 2.1.2 Stage
摘要: 目前工程项目管理存在海量数据难以获取、管理条线协同效率低等问题,这些问题很大程度上提高了建造过程中资金、成本管控风险。本文主要介绍了九洲花园2.1.2期项目施工过程中应用BIM技术,进行项目BIM模型的创建与维护、材料过程管控、各专业碰撞检查、虚拟施工指导等内容,有效地提升项目精细化管理水平。Abstract: Due to the difficulties to get massive project basic data, low effectiveness of cooperation in project management, there is a high risk of finance management and cost management. This paper mainly introduces the application process of BIM technology in construction stage of project Jiuzhou Gardern 2.1.2 stage, Which improved the fining management level effectively through create and update BIM models, whole process material control, 3D collision, virtual construction guidance etc, .