• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Study on the Promotion of Constructional Buildings in Rural Areas of Shandong

  • 摘要: 改革开放30多年来,我国其他门类工业都发生了根本性变革,现代化水平越来越高。比较而言,建筑业发展缓慢,分散的、低水平低效率的传统粗放手工业生产方式仍占据主导地位,传统模式积累的问题和矛盾日益突出。这种现象在农村更为严重,直接影响农村居民的生活质量和生活水平。根据山东省建设厅资料显示,山东省每年新建农宅在50万户以上,随着生活水平的提高,村民建造高水平高质量的居民住宅的愿望越来越强。本研究以山东省聊城市装配式住宅为基础,对节点的连接,抗震性能进行模拟,探讨适应农村发展的装配式住宅模式,可以为山东省农村住宅提供借鉴和参考。


    Abstract: With the development of reform and opening-up in the last three decades, fundamental changes have taken place in other industries in China, and the modernization level is higher and higher. In comparison, the development of the construction industry is slower. The traditional production mode of extensive industry, which develops in the scattered way of low efficiency and low level, still occupies a dominant position. The problems and contradictions accumulated from the traditional model have become increasingly prominent. This phenomenon is more serious in the countryside.Therefore, the quality of life and living standard of the rural residents are directly affected. According to the Construction Department of Shandong Province, new rural houses increase by more than 500, 000 every year in shandong.With the improvement of living standards, the desire to constructing high quality residential buildings becomes stronger.The study is based on prefabricated construction of Liaocheng in Shandong Province and simulates the node connection and seismic performance.To explore the assembly residential patterns, which is adaptive to the rural development, can offer reference for rural housing in Shandong.


