• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


The Application of Pipeline Prefabrication Processing and Intelligent Installation Based on BIM

  • 摘要: 通风工程施工多采用传统加工和安装方式,不仅位置分散,且整体安装质量易受人工技术水平影响;加工生产效率低、精度不统一,半成品和成品易出现质量问题,在安装过程中放线点位不精确,易造成偏差。本文针对昆明地铁4号线13个车站的风管加工及安装,阐述使用数控加工设备及机器人放线设备打通与BIM模型数据的对接,通过集成化方式信息化手段,使生产向着自动化、流水线式发展,提高了风管加工及安装的效率和精度,完善了工业化系统,同时降低了人力成本与材料损耗。运用BIM技术将风管预制加工生产及智能安装相结合,能够加快整体通风工程的施工进度,进一步提升工程质量。


    Abstract: At present, traditional processing and installation methods are mostly adopted in ventilation project construction. However, the overall quality of installation is not only affected by scattered location, but also susceptible to artificially technical ability. The semi-finished products and finished products are prone to quality problems by low processing production efficiency and non-uniform accuracy, what's more, placing points position in installation process is not accurate, which results in deviation. This paper studies on 13 metro stations in Kunming Metro Line 4, and elaborates the air duct processing and installation by using CNC machining equipment, robot wiring equipment and linking data from BIM model. With the aid of the integrated approaches and informationization, the project construction aims to automation, standardization, improving the efficiency and accuracy of air duct processing and installation and improving the system of industalization, meanwhile, as well as reducing labor costs and material loss. By integrating BIM technology with the prefabrication and intelligent installation of ductwork, it can accelerate the overall construction progress of ventilation projects and further enhance the quality of the project.


