• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Preliminary Study on Scene Simulation of Bridge Collapse Based on FEM

  • 摘要: 为了科学而逼真地还原桥梁垮塌过程,辅助桥梁垮塌事故鉴定,本文在虚拟现实平台上对基于有限元数据的桥梁垮塌过程场景模拟进行了研究。基于桥梁垮塌过程的有限元模拟数据,本文在三维图形引擎OSG上实现了桥梁场景建模和垮塌动画模拟,并基于桥梁垮塌模型构建了具有一定真实感的场景漫游系统。通过场景模拟与有限元模拟的结果对比,证明了本文基于有限元的桥梁场景建模和垮塌动画控制方法的有效性。本文将有限元技术与虚拟现实技术相结合,为桥梁垮塌事故鉴定提供了科学而真实的虚拟场景。


    Abstract: To replay the process of bridge collapse scientifically and realistically and assist the technical appraisals for bridge collapse accidents, the scene simulation of bridge collapse on VR platform based on FEM is studied in this paper. By the data of FEM simulation of bridge collapse, the bridge scene model and the animation of bridge collapse are realized in 3D graphic engine OSG. Based on the model of bridge collapse, a scene walkthrough system with realistic graphics is developed in this paper. By comparing the animation of bridge collapse in OSG with the FEM simulation of bridge collapse, the methods of creating bridge scene model and realizing the animation of bridge collapse prove to be operative. This paper combines FEM simulation and VR simulation to provide a scientific and realistic virtual scene for the technical appraisals of bridge collapse accidents.


