• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research and Application of Building Interval Algorithm based on Equal Sunlight Duration Time Principle and Models

  • 摘要: 建筑间距计算的主要方法有建筑间距系数法和日照分析法两种。等时日照(ESDT)建筑间距是基于国家标准对建筑物需在日照标准日获得不少于一定小时数日照的规定,通过计算机模拟和数理统计等方法推求的算式化计算建筑间距的模型。模拟试验及数理分析可推求出“等时日照区域的最大南北纵距”、“建筑面宽”、“主体建筑和客体建筑分析点高差”和“建筑高度临界值”等参数间的关系。结合了两种传统方法便利和精确的优势,ESDT算法可在不做建模的前提下计算符合日照标准的建筑间距。


    Abstract: Coefficient method and sunlight assessment are two major approaches to calculate building interval. The algorithm based on equal sunlight duration time (ESDT) principle and models can be used to calculate a legitimate spacing distance, according to sunlight on reference days. Relations of four key variables including the N-S ESDT distance, building facade, elevation difference of obstructive and overshadowed building, and the threshold of building's height are concluded from simulation tests and mathematical analysis. The ESDT technique combines convenient computation with precise analysis so that the algorithm is perfect for building interval calculation without setting up CAD models.


