BIM Technology Application in Facade of Shanghai Tower
摘要: 在上海中心大厦逐渐展现优雅形态的背后,是从方案策划到幕墙施工,从信息采集到工程管理,都以BIM技术作为驱动力,以创新理念打造精品幕墙工程的过程。本文主要通过对BIM在上海中心大厦外幕墙工程的设计、加工和施工全过程的应用实施,展现了BIM在幕墙领域的实践价值。Abstract: Shanghai Tower is gradually showing elegant appearance. As driving force of Shanghai Tower, BIM creates an excellent curtain wall project with innovative ideas, from scheme design to construction, and from information collection to project management. This paper focuses on BIM application in Shanghai Tower in design, fabrication and construction to show the value in the field of curtain wall.