• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Cluster Analysis Method of K-means-based for Scheme Design of High-rise Structure

  • 摘要: 首先, 在分析了聚类分析及特征的基础上, 给出了k-均值聚类算法的基本思想、算法流程、准则函数及算法步骤等; 其次, 将聚类分析理论和方法引入高层结构智能方案设计, 建立了基于K-Means聚类分析方法的高层结构智能方案设计方法, 并给出了工程应用实例, 及该实例的聚类结果及聚类过程的空间分布图、评价函数与迭代次数及聚类数间的关系曲线。实践表明:k-means聚类分析方法能有效地用于高层结构智能方案设计, 为高层建筑结构智能方案设计开拓了崭新的途径和方法。


    Abstract: In the basic idea of k-means clustering algorithm and its criterion function, step process, the cluster analysis theory and method into intelligent design of high-rise structure were introduced in this paper.The high-rise structure of intelligent design case retrieval method based on the K-Means clustering analysis method was established.By the given engineering application, the process of clustering results and their spatial distribution, the evaluation function JW with the curves of the increase in the number of iterations and JW monotonically decreasing curve with kwere obtained.The weaknesses of the method were pointed out, and the further improvement was given.Practice shows that k-means cluster analysis method can be effectively used to design case retrieval system in high-rise structures intelligent scheme, and has opened up new ways for the high-rise building intelligent design.


