• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Green BIM—How Building Information Modeling is Contributing toGreen Design and Construction

  • 摘要: 近年来,绿色建筑及绿色BIM已经成为建筑业界流行的趋势。BIM用户期待着能在更高水平上应用BIM工具,以实现绿色建筑各种可持续发展的目标。基于此,麦格劳-希尔建筑公司对全美国483家建筑设计和施工企业对绿色BIM应用现状和未来趋势进行了相关的调研,并于2010年发表了此调研报告。该报告探讨了美国建筑公司在绿色项目中如何使用BIM技术以及如何籍此提高项目成果,检视了绿色BIM应用背后的驱动力以及公司采用绿色BIM相关工具的情况,以及对这些BIM工具的满意度。报告还对比绿色BIM公司和非绿色BIM公司之间的差异,并研究了非绿色BIM公司是怎样预计在他们在未来使用绿色BIM的情况,以及什么工具对他们来实现可持续发展目标是最有用处的。总之,该报告提供了一个视角来观察绿色建筑市场的不断增长是怎样如何推动绿色BIM成为在建筑行业中的一支重要力量。


    Abstract: Recently, green buildings and green BIM have become the new focus in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry. All of BIM users are expecting to implement BIM tools at the higher level to meet the sustainability goal of green buildings. In this regard, McGraw-Hill Construction conducted the 2010 Green BIM study for 494 AEC companies around the United States. This report explores how firms that use BIM on green projects and have found that it has improved project outcomes. It examines what drives them to practice Green BIM and how many of them are employing specific tools, and measures their satisfaction with those tools. It also compares those Green BIM firms to BIM users not currently using BIM for green projects, and examines how many of these non-Green BIM companies expect to employ Green BIM in the future and which tools they expect to be most useful to them in meeting sustainability goals. The report offers a glimpse into how the growing green market can be a major force in driving the overall adoption of BIM as the usefulness of BIM for green work becomes more widely known in the industry.


