• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


A Block Xinjiang Huayu Times Square —Design of Super High-rise Building

  • 摘要: 新疆华誉时代广场A座位于新疆库尔勒市,结构主体高度约为149.5m,结构形式采用带部分框架柱的剪力墙结构,包含地下2层,地上39层,局部出屋面。结构平面布置有斜交构件,较不规则,结构沿竖向无刚度突变及抗剪承载力突变。总体判断结构沿竖向布置较为规则,无明显薄弱层。结构根据国家《超限高层建筑工程抗震设防专项审查技术要点》(建质2010109号)判断为高度超限的高层建筑。本工程初步设计分别经过了全国超限高层审查委员会及新疆自治区的超限高层审查委员会审查通过。结构设计采用了多种计算软件的对比分析,并进行了小震下的弹性时程分析、大震下的弹塑性静力分析,并对结构设定了性能控制指标,对剪力墙、框架柱等重要构件进行了中震(不屈服、弹性)计算设计。本文着重介绍了该工程上部结构的计算分析及设计要点。


    Abstract: A Block Xinjiang Huayu Times Square seats in Korla City.The height is about 149.5 m.Used for part of the frame column shearwall structure, With 2 basements, ground 39 floors, the roof partially. Structure layout oblique artifacts, is irregular, no structure along the vertical stiffness mutation and shearing resistance mutation. Overall assessment structure along the vertical layout more rules, no obvious weak layer.Structure according to the national "transfinite high-rise building engineering seismic fortification special examination technology key point of quality 2010 no. 109 (built) for highly overrun of high-rise building. The project preliminary design respectively after the overrun of high-level review committee and the Xinjiang autonomous region transfinite high-level review by the review committee.Structure design uses a variety of contrastive analysis of the calculation software, and the elastic dynamic time5history analysis of frequent earthquake, elastoplastic static time-history analysis of rarely occurred earthquake. and to set the control performance index structure, the shear wall and frame column, and other important components in the seismic design (not yield, elastic) calculation. This article describes the calculation of the engineering analysis and design points of the upper structure.


