How to decide the form of cable structure is the issue of great nonlinear displacement. The form of cable structure and the distribution of pre-stress are both parameters which influence each other, so its working geometrical state is difficult to decide beforehand, the way to make sure is form finding. This paper is about how to use ANSYS for form finding of cable structure and the steps have been concluded, some account cases also been given to verify the accuracy of ANSYS calculation program for form finding. For the long single cable, such as cable-stayed bridge, suspension bridge and cableway which have gecometric nonlinearity, its verticality can not be ignore. However, ANSYS element library don't include cable element, only when cable isn't long can we use link10 to simulate cable. Based on this, this paper proposes a multi-segment link10 unit to simulate the catenary unit. At the end, an account case which used to stimulate catenary is given to verify that it is feasible and accurate enough to use several link10 to stimulate catenary as computational method.