• ISSN: 1674-7461
  • CN: 11-5823/TU
  • 主管:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办:中国图学学会
  • 承办:中国建筑科学研究院有限公司


Research on Design Coordination and Management Patterns for Group Buildings based on BIM—Group Buildings on the EXPO Site as a Case

  • 摘要: 信息化技术的发展和建筑软件的革新并未从根本上改变传统建设模式, 建筑行业生产效率虽有提升, 但并不显著。本文从这一结论出发, 结合后世博B片区项目群体应用BIM的实际情况, 并依托《后世博大型建筑群体数字化协同管理关键技术研究》课题, 探索复杂项目群体基于BIM的设计协调管理方式。通过分析复杂项目群体建设的难点以及BIM技术应用的优势和特点, 说明引入新技术和管理模式提升效率和提高构筑物品质的重要性和迫切性, 从而进一步地探索基于BIM设计协调管理的方式。


    Abstract: The revolution of IT (Information Technology) and software for AEC industry have not changed the traditional constructing management patterns, and construction efficiency has not been improved sharply.According to the results, this paper explores design management patterns based on BIM (Building Information Modeling), and it refers to the subject "exploring the key coordination and management digital technologies based on the EXPO group buildings", and the Headquarters Bases for Central Government Owned Enterprises within the EXPO site is used as a case.After analyzing the features of complex group buildings and BIM technology, design management patterns based on BIM are explored.


