Construction Quality Risk Prediction System Based on Data Mining
摘要: 质量管理是建设工程管理工作的重中之重,如何借助计算机工具协助建设工程质量监督检测单位,快捷、准确地完成质量管理工作是建设工程质量监督检测部门信息化的热点。本文通过对影响工程质量内外因素的分析,结合数据挖掘的理论,提出了将数据挖掘技术引入施工质量管理系统的思路,并在此基础上构造了施工质量风险预测系统的模型。最后,结合Weka软件的特点和优势,本文分析了将Weka软件与系统集成的可行性,并对Weka软件的预测效果进行了展示。Abstract: Quality management plays a significant role in construction enterprises management. How to use computer to complete quality management accurately becomes a new hotspot for construction infomationization. This paper analyzed internal and external factors affecting the quality of the project. Combining data mining theory, this paper proposes construction quality risk prediction system. Finally, the feasibility and predicted effect of Weka were described.